DISCOL/ATESEPP - Publications
1 | Ahnert, A. and C. Borowski (2000): Environmental risk assessment of anthropogenic activity in the deep sea. Journal of Aquatic Ecosystems, Stress and Recovery 7, 299 – 315. |
2 | Ahnert, A. and G. Schriever (2001): Response of abyssal Copepoda Harpacticoida (Crustacea) and other meiobenthos to an artificial disturbance and its bearing on future mining for polmetallic nodules. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3779-3794 |
3 | Anderson, M. E. and H. Bluhm (1997): Description of a new species of Pachycara ZUGMAYER, 1911, from the abyssal southeastern Pacific and rediscription of P. thermophilum GEISTDOERFER, 1994, with a new key to the species. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Africa 51: 219-227. |
4 | Becker, H. J., B. Grupe, H. U. Oebius and F. Liu (2001): The behavior of deep-sea sediments under the impact of nodule mining processes. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3609 – 3628. |
5 | Bluhm, H. (1993): Effects of deepsea mining for manganese nodules on the abyssal megabenthic community. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, May 3-6, 1993. OTC Paper 7134, 521-529. |
6 | Bluhm, H. (1994): Comparison of megabenthic communities in abyssal manganese nodule sites of the Northeastern and Southeastern Pacific Ocean. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 4: 187 - 201. |
7 | Bluhm, H. (1997): Megafauna as indicators for the recolonization of abyssal areas impacted by physical disturbances. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Studies for Deep-sea Mining, Metal Mining Agency of Japan, Tokyo, November 20-21, 1997. 211-221. |
8 | Bluhm, H. (1999:) Holothurians as indicators for recolonisation processes in environmental assessments. Proceedings of the Third (1999) ISOPE - Ocean Mining Symposium, Goa, India, Nov. 8.-10, 1999. 8pp. |
9 | Bluhm, H. (2001): Re-establishment of an abyssal megabenthic community after experimental physical disturbance of the seafloor. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3841-3868 |
10 | Bluhm, H. and A. Gebruk (1999): Holothuroidea (Echinodermata) of the Peru Basin - Ecological and taxonomical remarks based on underwater images. Mar. Ecol. 20 (2): 167-195. |
11 | Bluhm, H. and H. Thiel (1996): Photographic and video surveys for large scale animal and seafloor surface charting aiming at ecological characterization of habitats and communities. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Deep Sea-bed Mining Technology, COMRA, Beijing, PR China, Oct. 18-20, 1996. C15 - C23. |
12 | Bluhm, H., (1994): Monitoring megabenthic communities in abyssal manganese nodule sites of the east pacific ocean in association with commercial deep sea mining. Aquatic Conservation 4, 187–201. |
13 | Bluhm, H., G. Schriever and H. Thiel (1995): Megabenthic recolonization in an experimentally disturbed abyssal manganese nodule area. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology 13: 393-416. |
14 | Borowski, C. (1994): Three new deep-sea species of Sphaerodoridae (Annelida, Polychaeta) of the eastern tropical South Pacific. Zool. Scr. 23(3): 193-203. |
15 | Borowski, C. (1995): New records of Longosomatidae (=Heterospionidae) (Annelida, Polychaeta) from the abyssal Southeast Pacific, with the description of Heterospio peruana sp. n. and general remarks on the family. Mitt. Hamb. Zool. Mus. Inst. 92 (Suppl. 1): 129-144. |
16 | Borowski, C. (1996): Taxonomische und ökologische Untersuchungen an der sedimentbewohnenden Tiefsee-Makrofauna eines Manganknollenfeldes im Peru-Becken (Äquatorialer Ostpazifik) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Polychaeta. Dissertation, Shaker, Aachen, Germany, pp 1–322. |
17 | Borowski, C. (2001): Physically disturbed deep-sea macrofauna in the Peru Basin, S.E. Pacific, revisited seven years after the experimental impact. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3809-3840. |
18 | Borowski, C. and H. Thiel (1996): Indicator taxa for dominant deep-sea animal groups in their importance for comparative biodiversity and environmental studies. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Deep Sea-bed Mining Technology, COMRA, Beijing, PR China, Oct. 18-20, 1996. C35 - C43. |
19 | Borowski, C. and H. Thiel (1998): Deep-sea macrofaunal impacts of a large-scale physical disturbance experiment in the Southeast Pacific. Deep-Sea Research II 45: 55-81. |
20 | Brandt, A., M. Malyutina, C. Borowski, H. Thiel und G. Schriever (2004): Munnopsidid isopod attracted to bait in the DISCOL area, Pacific Ocean. – Mitteilungen aus dem hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut 101, 275-279. |
21 | Bussau, C. (1992): New deep-sea Tardigrada (Arthrotardigrada, Halechiniscidae) from a manganese nodule area of the eastern South Pacific. Zool. Scr. 21(1): 79 - 91. |
22 | Bussau, C. (1993): Taxonomische und ökologische Untersuchungen an Nematoden des Peru-Beckens, Dissertation, Universität Kiel, 1-621. |
23 | Bussau, C. (1995): New deep-sea Nematoda (Enoplida, Thoracostomopsidae, Oncholaimidae, Enchelidiidae) from a manganese nodule area of the eastern South Pacific. Zool. Scr. 24(1): 1-12. |
24 | Bussau, C. and K. Vopel (1999): New nematode species and genera, Chromadoridae (Microlaimidae) from the deep-sea of the eastern tropical South Pacific (Peru Basin). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 101B, 405 – 421. |
25 | Bussau, C. and S. Lorenzen (1991): Die Nematodenfauna der ozeanischen Tiefsee - erste taxonomische Bestandsaufnahme. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 84(Jahresversammlung in Tübingen): 442 (Zusammenfassung). |
26 | Bussau, C., G. Schriever and H. Thiel (1995): Evaluation of abyssal metazoan meiofauna from a manganese nodule area of the eastern South Pacific. Vie et Milieu 45(1): 39-48. |
27 | Chung, J.S., G. Schriever, R. Sharma and T. Yamazaki (2001): Deep Seabed Mining Environment: Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Assessment. Proceedings of The Fourth (2001) ISOPE OCEAN MINING SYMPOSIUM, Szczecin, Poland, 23-27 September 200, 8 – 13. |
28 | Drodt, M., Trautwein, A.X., König, I., Suess, E., Koch, C.B. (1997): Moessbauer spectroscopic studies on the iron forms of deep-sea sediments. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 24, 281–293. |
29 | Foell, E. J. (1989): Report on the German DISCOL 1 Expedition, F/S Sonne, Cruise SO-61, 3 February to 2 April 1989, Report to NOAA/OME under contract number 40-AANC-901-680, pp. 1-31 plus appendices |
30 | Foell, E. J. (1989): Report on the German DISCOL 2 Expedition, F/S Sonne, Cruise SO-64, 3 September to 1 October 1989, Report to NOAA/OME under agreement number 2-5676-09 with Oregon State University, pp. 1-24 plus appendices |
31 | Foell, E. J., G. Schriever, H. Bluhm, C. Borowski, C. Bussau and H. Thiel (1992): Disturbance and recolonization experiment in the abyssal South Pacific Ocean (DISCOL): an update. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston Texas, May 4-7, 1992. OTC Paper 6805, 25-34. |
32 | Foell, E. J., H. Bluhm, C. Borowski, H. Thiel, A. Ahnert and G. Schriever (1997): German environmental risk assessments in the Southeastern Pacific Peru Basin: DISCOL revisited. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, May 5-8, 1997. OTC Paper 8345, 549-566. |
33 | Foell, E. J., H. F. Hennigar, jr. & D.C Pawson (1991): Assessment of abyssal benthic megafauna on a ferromanganese nodule deposit and videotaped televisins survey data. - Transact. Soc. Mining. Metallurg. Explor. 288: 1854-1858 |
34 | Foell, E. J., H. Thiel and G. Schriever (1990): DISCOL - a long term, large scale disturbance and recolonization experiment in the abyssal eastern tropical South Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston Texas, May 7-10, 1990. OTC Paper 6328, 497-503. |
35 | Foell, E. J., H. Thiel and G. Schriever (1992): DISCOL: a long-term, large-scale, disturbance-recolonization experiment in the abyssal eastern tropical South Pacific Ocean. Mining Engineering Jan. 1992: 90-94. |
36 | Fritsche, U., A. Koschinsky and A. Winkler (2001): The different diffusive transport behaviours of some metals in layers of Peru Basin surface sediment. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3653 – 3682. |
37 | Gerber, H.W., Oebius, H.U., Grupe, B. (1996): Maxicorer - a device for taking undisturbed samples of sediment including the benthic boundary layer. Sea Technology 37, 66–69. |
38 | Grupe, B., H. J. Becker and H. U. Oebius (2001): Geotechnical and sedimentological investigations of deep-sea sediments from a manganese nodule field of the Peru Basin. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3593 – 3608. |
39 | Grupe, B., Halbach, P., Gronenberg, M., Oebius, H.U. (1994): Bodenmechanische Eigenschaften von Tiefseesedimenten in Maganknollen-Feldern als Funktion des sedimentpetrographischen Aufbaus. Technische Universit.at Berlin, VWS, Eigenverlag, Germany. |
40 | H.U. Oebius and G. Schriever (2001): Evaluation of Physical Environmental Consequences of Deep-sea Mining. Proceedings of The Fourth (2001) ISOPE OCEAN MINING SYMPOSIUM, Szczecin, Poland, 23-27 September 2001, 50 – 55. |
41 | Haeckel, M., König, I., Trautwein A.X. and E. Suess (2001): Pore water profiles and numerical modelling of biogeocemicasl processes in Peru Basin deep-sea sediments. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3713 – 3736. |
42 | Jankowski, J., Malcherek, A., Zielke, W. (1994): Numerical modeling of sediment transport processes caused by deep sea mining discharges. Proceedings of the OCEANS 94 Conference, Brest, Vol. III, IEEE/SEE, pp. 269–276. |
43 | Jankowski, J., Malcherek, A., Zielke, W. (1996): Numerical modelling of suspended sediment due to deep-sea mining. Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (C2), 3545–3560. |
44 | Jankowski, J., Zielke, W. (1995): Mesoskalige Stofftransporte im Pazifik als Folge des Tiefseebergbaus. Final report, Institut für Strömungsmechanik und ERiB, Universität Hannover. 86pp. |
45 | Jankowski, J., Zielke, W. (1997): Data support for modelling of deep-sea mining impacts. Proceedings of the Seventh, International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, USA, Vol. I, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, pp. 451–460. |
46 | Jankowski, J.A. and W. Zielke (2001): The mesoscale sediment transport due to technical activities in the deep-sea. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3487 - 3522 |
47 | Klein, H. (1993): Near-bottom currents in the deep Peru Basin, DISCOL Experimental Area. Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift 45: 31-42. |
48 | Klein, H. (1996): Near-bottom currents and bottom boundary layer variability over manganese nodule fields in the Peru Basin, SE Pacific. Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift 48, 147–160. |
49 | König, I., Drodt, M., Suess, E., Trautwein, A.X. (1997): Iron reduction through the tan-green color transition in deepsea sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61, 1679–1683. |
50 | König, I., Haeckel, M., Drodt, M., Suess, E., Trautwein, A.X. (1999): Reactive Fe(II) layers in deep-sea sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 63 (10), 1517–1526. |
51 | König, I., Haeckel, M., Lougear, A., Suess, E., Trautwein, A.X. (2001): A geochemical model of the Peru Basin deep-sea floor and the response of the system to technical impacts. Deep-Sea Research II, 3737–3756. |
52 | Koschinsky, A, G. Schriever, Martinez Arbizu, P. (2013): Revisiting the DISCOL area in the Peru Basin 25 years after the disturbance experiment - a German/European initiative to prepare an environmentally sustainable manganese nodule mining. Abstract of Presentation at Recent Developments in Atlantic Seabed Minerals Exploration and Other Topics. UMI 2013 ∙ Rio de Janeiro and Porto de Galinhas, Brazil. |
53 | Koschinsky, A. (2001): Heavy metal distributions in Peru Basin surface sediments in relation to historic, present and disturbed redox environments. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3757 – 3778 |
54 | Koschinsky, A., B. Gaye-Haake, C. Arndt, G. Maue, A. Spitzy, A. Winkler and P. Halbach (2001): Experiments on the influence of sediment disturbances on the biogeochemistry of the deep-sea environment. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3629 - 3652 |
55 | Koschinsky, A., Borowski, C. and Halbach P. (2003): Reactions of the heavy metal cycle to industrial activities in the deep-sea: an ecological assessment. International Review of Hydrobiology 88, 102-127. |
56 | Koschinsky, A., Gerber, H., Szemeitat, A. (1997): Experiments on the influence of the technical activities in the deep-sea on heavy metal cycles. Proceedings of the Seventh. International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, USA, Vol. I, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, pp. 445–450. |
57 | Koschinsky, A., U. Fritsche and A. Winkler (2001): Sequential leaching of Peru Basin surface sediment for the assessment of aged and fresh heavy metal associations and mobility. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3853 – 3700. |
58 | Koschinsky, A., Winkler, A. and Fritsche, U. (2003): Importance of different types of marine particles for the scavenging of heavy metals in the deep-sea. Applied Geochemistry 18: 693-710. |
59 | Liu, F., Oebius, H.U., Grupe, B., Becker, H.J. (1997): Basic research on characteristics of deep-sea sediment clouds produced by marine mining. International Symposion on Environmental Research for Deep-Sea Mining, 20–21 November, Tokyo, Japan. |
60 | Lougear, A., I. König, A. X. Trautwein and E. Suess (2001): Mössbauer investigations to characterize Fe lattice sites in clay minerals and Peru Basin deep-sea sediments. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3701 - 3712 |
61 | Marchig, V., U. von Stackelberg, H. Hufnagel and G. Durn (2001): Compositional changes of surface sediments and variability of manganese nodules in Peru Basin. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3609 – 3628 |
62 | Maybury, C. (1996): Crevice Foraminifera from abyssal South East Pacific manganese nodules In: A. Moguilevsky and R. Whatley (eds.): Microfossils and Oceanic Environments. University of Wales, Aberystwyth. 1: 281 - 293. |
63 | Maybury, C. A. and I. Ap Gwynn (1993): Wet processing of recent calcareous foraminifera: methods for preventing dissolution. J. Micropalaeontol. 12(1): 67-69. |
64 | Maybury, C. and K. Evans (1994): Pennsylvanian phylloid algae interpreted as shallow water xenophyophores. Lethaia 27: 29-33. |
65 | Oebius, H.U. (1998): Deep-sea mining and its environmental consequences. Technische Universit.at Berlin, VWS, Eigenverlag, Germany. |
66 | Oebius, H.U., Becker, H.J., Rolinski, S., Jankowski, J.A. (2001): Parametrization and evaluation of marine environmental impacts produced by deep-sea manganese nodule mining. Deep-Sea Research II 48, 3453–3467. |
67 | Oebius, H.U., Grupe, B., Gerber, H.W., Yang, N. (1996): Mining in the marine environment. International Seminar on Deep Sea-Bed-Mining Technology, 18–20.October, Beijing, PR China |
68 | Oebius, H.U., Schwanecke, H. (1994): Entwicklung eines umweltschonenden Manganknollenabbau- und -aufnahmeverfahrens. Bundesministerium f .ur Forschung undTechnologie, 515-3892/MTK 0583A3, Bonn, Germany; Technische Universit.at Berlin, VWS-Bericht No. 1228/93, Eigenverlag VWS, Berlin, Germany. |
69 | Riech, V., Marchig, V., Weber, M.E., Wiedicke, M., Cepek, P., 2000. A 6-Ma sedimentary record in the Peru Basin: geochemical indicators for a significant redox shift at the end of the Pliocene. International Journal of Earth Sciences, submitted. |
70 | Rolinski, S., J. Segschneider and J. Sündermann (2001): Long-term propagation of tailings from deep-sea mining under variable conditions by means of numerical simulations. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3469 - 3486 |
71 | Schriever, G. (1990): Cruise-Report DISCOL 2, SONNE 64. Ber. Zentrum für Meeres- u. Klimaforsch. Univ. Hamburg 6: 51 pp. |
72 | Schriever, G. (1995). DISCOL - Disturbance and recolonization experiment of a manganese nodule area of the southeastern Pacific. Proceedings of the First (1995) ISOPE - Ocean Mining Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 21-22, 1995. 163-166. |
73 | Schriever, G. (2000): Evaluation of Results Relevant to Environmental Considerations of Polymetallic Nodule Mining Based on the German ATESEPP Project. OTC Paper Number 12041, Procedings May 2000. |
74 | Schriever, G. (2009): Environmental Research related to future Deep-Sea Mining - Are Concerns justified and what should be done? OTC paper 19935, Proceedings May 2009. |
75 | Schriever, G. and H. Thiel (1992): Cruise Report DISCOL 3, SONNE cruise 77. Ber. Zentrum Meeres- u. Klimaforsch. Univ. Hamburg E 2: 59. |
76 | Schriever, G. and H. Thiel (1994): Marine Mining and Environmental Protection In: S. Kumar, V. V. Agadi, V. Keshava Das and B. N. Desai (eds.): Ocean Technology: Perspectives. Publication & Information Directorate CSRI: 722 - 731. |
77 | Schriever, G. and Thiel, H. (2013): Tailings and their Disposal in Deep-Sea Mining. Proceedings of the Tenth (2013) ISOPE Ocean Mining and Gas Hydrates Symposium, Szczecin, Poland, September 22-26, 2013, 5 – 17. |
78 | Schriever, G., A. Ahnert, H. Bluhm, C. Borowski and H. Thiel (1997): Results of the large scale deep-sea environmental impact study DISCOL during eight years of investigation. Proceedings of the Seventh (1997) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 25-30, 1997. 438-444. |
79 | Schriever, G., C. Bussau and H. Thiel (1991): DISCOL - precautionary environmental impact studies for future manganese nodule mining and first results on meiofauna abundance. Proc. Adv. Mar. Tech. Conf. 4: 47-57. |
80 | Schriever, G., H. Bluhm, A. Boetius, C. Borowski, C. Bussau and H. Thiel (1992): DISCOL - precautionary large scale environmental impact studies for future polymetallic nodule mining from the deep sea. Proceedings of the XV. Congreso Mundial de Mineria, Madrid, Spain 1992, 25/27 Mayo 1992. 1311-1319. |
81 | Schriever, G., Koschinsky, A., Bluhm, H. (1996): Cruise report ATESEPP, Auswirkungen technischer Eingriffe in das Ökosystem der Tiefsee im Süd-Ost-Pazifik vor Peru, Impacts of potential technical interventions on the deep-sea ecosystem of the southeast Pacific off Peru, SONNE Cruise 106. Berichte aus dem Zentrum für Meeres-und Klimaforschung der Universität Hamburg Reihe E 11, pp 1–91. |
82 | Stummeyer, J. and V. Marchig (2001): Mobility of metals over the redox boundary in Peru Basin sediments. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3549 - 3568 |
83 | Suckow, A., U. Treppke, M. H. Wiedicke and M. E. Weber (2001): Bioturbation coefficients of deep-sea sediments from the Peru Basin determined by Gamma Spectrometry of 210Pbexc. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3569 - 3592 |
84 | Thiel, H. & G. Schriever (1990): Environmental protection of the deep sea and the DISCOL project. AMBIO 19: 245-250. |
85 | Thiel, H. (1991): Environmental impact resulting from deep-sea mining and risk assessment. In. R. Wolfrum (ed.): Law of the Sea at the Crossroads. The continuing Search for a Universally Accepted Regime. Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Symposium of the Kiel Institute of International Law, July 10th to 14th, 1990. Veröff. Inst. Intern. Recht an der Univ. Kiel 113: 87-96. |
86 | Thiel, H. (1991): From Meseda to DISCOL: a new approach to deep-sea mining risk assessments. Mar. Mining 10: 369-386. |
87 | Thiel, H. (1991): Research perspectives on protecting the marine environment during deep-sea mining. Proceedings of an Interdisplinary Symposium of the Kiel Institute of International Law, July 10th to 14th, Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel 113:455-77. |
88 | Thiel, H. (1991): The requirement for additional research in the assessment of environmental disturbances associated with deep seabed mining In: J. N. T. Mauchline (eds.): Marine Biology, its Accomplishment and Future Prospect. , Hokusen-Sha: 133-144. |
89 | Thiel, H. (1992): Deep-sea environmental disturbance and recovery potential. Intern. Rev. ges. Hydrobiologie 77(2): 331-339. |
90 | Thiel, H. (1992): Deep-Sea Mining - a Challenge for Marine Scientists. Proceedings of the XV. Congreso Mundial de Mineria, Madrid, Spain 1992, 25/29 Mayo 1992. 1321-1330. |
91 | Thiel, H. (1992): Resourcen der Tiefsee: "Erbschaft" und Verantwortung der Menschheit. Gaia 1(5): 261-271. |
92 | Thiel, H. (1992): The DISCOL project. Ocean Challenge 3 (1), 40Ð64. |
93 | Thiel, H. (1993): Deep-ocean mining needs careful study. Forum 9(1): 50-52. |
94 | Thiel, H. (1993): Tiefseeökologie und Tiefseebergbau. Biologie in unserer Zeit 23(5): 330-334. |
95 | Thiel, H. (1993): Umweltschutz in der Tiefsee In: C. Östergaard (eds.): Symposium Maritime Umwelttechnik - Mariner Umweltschutz, Tagungsband, 19. April 1993, Berlin. Deutsches Komitee für Meeresforschung und Meerestechnik e.V., 22305 Hamburg: 1-12. |
96 | Thiel, H. (2001): Use and protection of the deep sea – an introduction. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3427-3432 |
97 | Thiel, H. (2002): Research for the protection of the deep sea. pp. 11 - 18 in L. Beranzoli, P. Favali and G. Smriglio (eds). Science and technology synergy for research in marine environment. Challenges for the XXI century. - Elsevier, Amsterdam: Developments in Marine Technology 12. |
98 | Thiel, H. and E. J. Foell (1993): Environmental risk assessment for manganese nodule mining and application of the precautionary principle In: A. Couper, E. Gold and P. S. Vanchiswar (eds.): The Marine Environment and Sustainable Development. Law, Policy, and Science. : 226 - 233. |
99 | Thiel, H. and Forschungsverbund Tiefsee (2001): Evaluation of the environmental consequences of polymetallic nodule mining based on the results of the TUSCH-Forschungsverbund. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3433-3452. |
100 | Thiel, H. and Forschungsverbund Tiefseeumweltschutz (1995): The German environmental impact research for manganese nodule mining in the SE Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the First (1995) ISOPE - Ocean Mining Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 21- 22, 1995. 39-45. |
101 | Thiel, H. and G. Schriever (1989): Cruise-Report DISCOL 1, SONNE - Cruise 61, with contributions by C. Borowski, C. Bussau, D. Hansen, J. Melles, J. Post, K. Steinkamp and K. Watson. Ber. Zentrum Meeres- u. Klimaforsch. Univ. Hamburg 3: 91 pp. |
102 | Thiel, H. and G. Schriever (1989): The enigmatic DISCOL species: A deep sea pedipalp? Senckenbergiana maritima 20(3/4): 171-175. |
103 | Thiel, H. and G. Schriever (1990): Deep-Sea Mining, Environmental Impact and the DISCOL Project. Ambio 19(5): 245-250. |
104 | Thiel, H. and G. Schriever (1993): Environmental consequences of deep-sea mining. International Challenges 13(1): 54-70. |
105 | Thiel, H. and G. Schriever (1994): Environmental consequences of using the deep sea - exemplified by mining of polymetalic nodules. Nord-Süd aktuell 8(3): 404-408. |
106 | Thiel, H., Angel, M. V., Foell, E. J., Rice, A. L., Schriever, G. (1998): Environmental risks from large-scale ecological research in the deep sea: a desk study. Contract No. MAS2-CT94-0086, Commission of the European Communities, Directorate General for Science, Research and Development, Brussels, 210pp. |
107 | Thiel, H., E. J. Foell and G. Schriever (1991): Potential Environmental Effects of Deep Seabed Mining. Ber. Zentrum Meeres- u. Klimaforsch. Univ. Hamburg 26: 243 pp. |
108 | Thiel, H., E. J. Foell and G. Schriever (1993): Economics and the environment: cooperative aspects of future deep-sea mining activities. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston Texas, Houston, Texas, May 3-6, 1993. OTC Paper 7102, 203-212. |
109 | Thiel, H., E. J. Foell and G. Schriever (2008): Conceptual proposals for environmental investigations of deep-seabed mining. Underwater Mining Institute, Kiel 2006. OneMine.org |
110 | Thiel, H., E.J. Foell and G. Schriever (2006): Conceptual Proposals for Environmental Investigations of Deep-seabed Mining. Presentation at Underwater Mining Institute at Kiel, Germany. International marine mineral society, 2006, Kiel. |
111 | Thiel, H., G. Schriever, A. Ahnert, H. Bluhm, C. Borowski and K. Vopel (2001): The large-scale environmental impact experiment DISCOL - reflection and foresight. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3869-3882. |
112 | Thiel, H., G. Schriever, C. Bussau and C. Borowski (1993): Manganese nodule crevice fauna. Deep-Sea Res.I 40(2): 419-423. |
113 | Thiel, H., G. Schriever, H. Bluhm, C. Bussau and C. Borowski (1994): Abschlußbericht für die Bewilligung 03F 0010 F im BMFT-Projekt "Wiederbesiedlung nach der mechanischen Beeinflussung eines Manganknollenfeldes in der Tiefsee des Süd-Pazifiks". Ber. Zentrum Meeres- u. Klimaforsch. Univ. Hamburg E 2(Suppl. 1): 59 p. |
114 | Thiel, H., H. Bluhm, C. Borowski, C. Bussau, A. J. Gooday, C. Maybury and G. Schriever (1992): The impact of mining on deep sea organisms. The DISCOL-Project. Ocean Challenge 3(1): 40-46. |
115 | Thiel,H., G. Schriever und E. J. Foell (2005): Polymetallic nodule mining, waste disposal and species extinction at the abyssal seafloor. - Marine Georesources and Geotechnology 23, 209-220. |
116 | Tilot, V. (1992): La structure des assemblages mègabenthiques d'une province à nodules polymètalliques de l'ocean Pacifique tropical. Ph.D. dissertacion, Universitè de Bretagne Occidentale. |
117 | TUSCH Research Group 199 (1991): Research perspectives on protecting the marine environment during deep-sea mining. In R. Wolfram (ed.), Law of the Sea at the Crossroads. The Continuing Search for a Universally Accepted Regime. Proc. Interdisciplinary Symp. of the Kiel Inst. of Int. Law, July 10th to 14th, 1990, Veröffentl. Inst. Inter. Seerecht, Univ. Kiel 113:453-486 |
118 | Vopel, K. and H. Thiel (2001): Abyssal nematode assemblages of physically disturbed and adjacent sites of the eastern equatorial Pacific. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3795-3808 |
119 | Weber, M.E., Pisias, N.G. (1999): Spatial and temporal distribution of biogenic carbonate and opal in deep-sea sediments from the eastern equatorial Pacific: implications to ocean history since 1.3 Ma. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 174, 59–373. |
120 | Weber, M.E., von Stackelberg, U., Marchig, V., Wiedicke, M., Grupe, B. (2000): Variability of surface sediment in the Peru Basin: dependence on water depth, productivity, bottom water flow, and seafloor topography. Marine Geology 163, 169–184. |
121 | Weber, M.E., Wiedicke, M., Riech, V., Erlenkeuser, H. (1995): Carbonate preservation history in the Peru Basin: paleoceanographic implications. Paleoceanography 10 (4), 775–800. |
122 | Weikert, H., Beckmann, W., Schnack, D. (1993): Zoonek - Untersuchungen der natürlichen Struktur des Zooplanktons und Nektons im Bereich eines Manganknollenfeldes in der Tiefsee des Südpazifiks. Berichte aus dem Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung der Universität Hamburg, Vol. 5, 27pp. |
123 | Wiedicke, M., Weber, M. (1996): Small-scale variability of sea floor features in the northern Peru Basin: results from acoustic survey methods. Marine Geophysical Researches 18, 507–526. |
124 | Zielke, W., Jankowski, J., Sündermann, J., Segschneider, J. (1995): Numerical modeling of sediment transport caused by deep sea mining. Proceedings of the First ISOPE Ocean Mining Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, ISOPE, pp. 157–161. |
If you have any questions regarding the publications from this list or any other inquiries about the project, please feel free to contact us.