DISCOL/ATESEPP - Publications

1 Ahnert, A. and C. Borowski (2000): Environmental risk assessment of anthropogenic activity in the deep sea. Journal of Aquatic Ecosystems, Stress and Recovery 7, 299 – 315.
2 Ahnert, A. and G. Schriever (2001): Response of abyssal Copepoda Harpacticoida (Crustacea) and other meiobenthos to an artificial disturbance and its bearing on future mining for polmetallic nodules. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3779-3794
3 Anderson, M. E. and H. Bluhm (1997): Description of a new species of Pachycara ZUGMAYER, 1911, from the abyssal southeastern Pacific and rediscription of P. thermophilum GEISTDOERFER, 1994, with a new key to the species. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Africa 51: 219-227.
4 Becker, H. J., B. Grupe, H. U. Oebius and F. Liu (2001): The behavior of deep-sea sediments under the impact of nodule mining processes. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3609 – 3628.
5 Bluhm, H. (1993): Effects of deepsea mining for manganese nodules on the abyssal megabenthic community.  Proceedings of the 25th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, May 3-6, 1993. OTC Paper 7134, 521-529.
6 Bluhm, H. (1994): Comparison of megabenthic communities in abyssal manganese nodule sites of the Northeastern and Southeastern Pacific Ocean. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 4: 187 - 201.
7 Bluhm, H. (1997): Megafauna as indicators for the recolonization of abyssal areas impacted by physical disturbances.  Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Studies for Deep-sea Mining, Metal Mining Agency of Japan, Tokyo, November 20-21, 1997. 211-221.
8 Bluhm, H. (1999:) Holothurians as indicators for recolonisation processes in environmental assessments. Proceedings of the Third (1999) ISOPE - Ocean Mining Symposium, Goa, India, Nov. 8.-10, 1999. 8pp.
9 Bluhm, H. (2001): Re-establishment of an abyssal megabenthic community after experimental physical disturbance of the seafloor. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3841-3868
10 Bluhm, H. and A. Gebruk (1999): Holothuroidea (Echinodermata) of the Peru Basin - Ecological and taxonomical remarks based on underwater images. Mar. Ecol. 20 (2): 167-195.
11 Bluhm, H. and H. Thiel (1996): Photographic and video surveys for large scale animal and seafloor surface charting aiming at ecological characterization of habitats and communities.  Proceedings of the International Seminar on Deep Sea-bed Mining Technology, COMRA, Beijing, PR China, Oct. 18-20, 1996. C15 - C23.
12 Bluhm, H., (1994): Monitoring megabenthic communities in abyssal manganese nodule sites of the east pacific ocean in
association with commercial deep sea mining. Aquatic Conservation 4, 187–201.
13 Bluhm, H., G. Schriever and H. Thiel (1995): Megabenthic recolonization in an experimentally disturbed abyssal manganese nodule area. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology 13: 393-416.
14 Borowski, C. (1994): Three new deep-sea species of Sphaerodoridae (Annelida, Polychaeta) of the eastern tropical South Pacific. Zool. Scr.  23(3): 193-203.
15 Borowski, C. (1995): New records of Longosomatidae (=Heterospionidae) (Annelida, Polychaeta) from the abyssal Southeast Pacific, with the description of Heterospio peruana sp. n. and general remarks on the family. Mitt. Hamb. Zool. Mus. Inst. 92 (Suppl. 1): 129-144.
16 Borowski, C. (1996): Taxonomische und ökologische Untersuchungen an der sedimentbewohnenden Tiefsee-Makrofauna eines Manganknollenfeldes im Peru-Becken (Äquatorialer Ostpazifik) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Polychaeta. Dissertation, Shaker, Aachen, Germany, pp 1–322.
17 Borowski, C. (2001): Physically disturbed deep-sea macrofauna in the Peru Basin, S.E. Pacific, revisited seven years after the experimental impact. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3809-3840.
18 Borowski, C. and H. Thiel (1996): Indicator taxa for dominant deep-sea animal groups in their importance for comparative biodiversity and environmental studies.  Proceedings of the International Seminar on Deep Sea-bed Mining Technology, COMRA, Beijing, PR China, Oct. 18-20, 1996. C35 - C43.
19 Borowski, C. and H. Thiel (1998): Deep-sea macrofaunal impacts of a large-scale physical disturbance experiment in the Southeast Pacific. Deep-Sea Research II 45: 55-81.
20 Brandt, A.,  M. Malyutina, C. Borowski, H. Thiel und G. Schriever (2004): Munnopsidid isopod attracted to bait in the DISCOL area, Pacific Ocean. – Mitteilungen aus dem hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut 101, 275-279.
21 Bussau, C. (1992): New deep-sea Tardigrada (Arthrotardigrada, Halechiniscidae) from a manganese nodule area of the eastern South Pacific. Zool. Scr. 21(1): 79 - 91.
22 Bussau, C. (1993): Taxonomische und ökologische Untersuchungen an Nematoden des Peru-Beckens, Dissertation, Universität Kiel, 1-621.
23 Bussau, C. (1995): New deep-sea Nematoda (Enoplida, Thoracostomopsidae, Oncholaimidae, Enchelidiidae) from a manganese nodule area of the eastern South Pacific. Zool. Scr. 24(1): 1-12.
24 Bussau, C. and K. Vopel (1999): New nematode species and genera, Chromadoridae (Microlaimidae) from the deep-sea of the eastern tropical South Pacific (Peru Basin).  Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 101B, 405 – 421.
25 Bussau, C. and S. Lorenzen (1991): Die Nematodenfauna der ozeanischen Tiefsee - erste taxonomische Bestandsaufnahme. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft 84(Jahresversammlung in Tübingen): 442 (Zusammenfassung).
26 Bussau, C., G. Schriever and H. Thiel (1995): Evaluation of abyssal metazoan meiofauna from a manganese nodule area of the eastern South Pacific. Vie et Milieu 45(1): 39-48.
27 Chung, J.S.,  G. Schriever, R. Sharma and T. Yamazaki (2001): Deep Seabed Mining Environment: Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Assessment. Proceedings of The Fourth (2001) ISOPE OCEAN MINING SYMPOSIUM, Szczecin, Poland, 23-27 September 200, 8 – 13.
28 Drodt, M., Trautwein, A.X., König, I., Suess, E., Koch, C.B. (1997): Moessbauer spectroscopic studies on the iron forms of deep-sea sediments. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 24, 281–293.
29 Foell, E. J. (1989): Report on the German DISCOL 1 Expedition, F/S Sonne, Cruise SO-61, 3 February to 2 April 1989, Report to NOAA/OME under contract number 40-AANC-901-680, pp. 1-31 plus appendices
30 Foell, E. J. (1989): Report on the German DISCOL 2 Expedition, F/S Sonne, Cruise SO-64, 3 September to 1 October 1989, Report to NOAA/OME under agreement number 2-5676-09 with Oregon State University, pp. 1-24 plus appendices
31 Foell, E. J., G. Schriever, H. Bluhm, C. Borowski, C. Bussau and H. Thiel (1992): Disturbance and recolonization experiment in the abyssal South Pacific Ocean (DISCOL): an update.  Proceedings of the 24th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston Texas, May 4-7, 1992. OTC Paper 6805, 25-34.
32 Foell, E. J., H. Bluhm, C. Borowski, H. Thiel, A. Ahnert and G. Schriever (1997): German environmental risk assessments in the Southeastern Pacific Peru Basin: DISCOL revisited.  Proceedings of the 29th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, May 5-8, 1997. OTC Paper 8345, 549-566.
33 Foell, E. J., H. F. Hennigar, jr. & D.C Pawson (1991): Assessment of abyssal benthic megafauna on a ferromanganese nodule deposit and videotaped televisins survey data. - Transact. Soc. Mining. Metallurg. Explor. 288: 1854-1858
34 Foell, E. J., H. Thiel and G. Schriever (1990): DISCOL - a long term, large scale disturbance and recolonization experiment in the abyssal eastern tropical South Pacific Ocean.  Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston Texas, May 7-10, 1990. OTC Paper 6328, 497-503.
35 Foell, E. J., H. Thiel and G. Schriever (1992): DISCOL: a long-term, large-scale, disturbance-recolonization experiment in the abyssal eastern tropical South Pacific Ocean. Mining Engineering Jan. 1992: 90-94.
36 Fritsche, U., A. Koschinsky and A. Winkler (2001): The different diffusive transport behaviours of some metals in layers of Peru Basin surface sediment. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3653 – 3682.
37 Gerber, H.W., Oebius, H.U., Grupe, B. (1996): Maxicorer - a device for taking undisturbed samples of sediment including the benthic boundary layer. Sea Technology 37, 66–69.
38 Grupe, B., H. J. Becker and H. U. Oebius  (2001): Geotechnical and sedimentological investigations of deep-sea sediments from a manganese nodule field of the Peru Basin. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3593 – 3608.
39 Grupe, B., Halbach, P., Gronenberg, M., Oebius, H.U. (1994): Bodenmechanische Eigenschaften von Tiefseesedimenten in Maganknollen-Feldern als Funktion des sedimentpetrographischen Aufbaus. Technische Universit.at Berlin, VWS, Eigenverlag, Germany.
40 H.U. Oebius and G. Schriever (2001): Evaluation of Physical Environmental Consequences of Deep-sea Mining. Proceedings of The Fourth (2001) ISOPE OCEAN MINING SYMPOSIUM, Szczecin, Poland, 23-27 September 2001, 50 – 55. 
41 Haeckel, M., König, I., Trautwein A.X. and E. Suess (2001): Pore water profiles and numerical modelling of biogeocemicasl processes in Peru Basin deep-sea sediments. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3713 – 3736.
42 Jankowski, J., Malcherek, A., Zielke, W. (1994): Numerical modeling of sediment transport processes caused by deep sea mining discharges. Proceedings of the OCEANS 94 Conference, Brest, Vol. III, IEEE/SEE, pp. 269–276.
43 Jankowski, J., Malcherek, A., Zielke, W. (1996): Numerical modelling of suspended sediment due to deep-sea mining. Journal of Geophysical Research 101 (C2), 3545–3560.
44 Jankowski, J., Zielke, W. (1995): Mesoskalige Stofftransporte im Pazifik als Folge des Tiefseebergbaus. Final report, Institut für Strömungsmechanik und ERiB, Universität Hannover. 86pp.
45 Jankowski, J., Zielke, W. (1997): Data support for modelling of deep-sea mining impacts. Proceedings of the Seventh, International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, USA, Vol. I, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, pp. 451–460.
46 Jankowski, J.A. and W. Zielke (2001): The mesoscale sediment transport due to technical activities in the deep-sea. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3487 - 3522
47 Klein, H. (1993): Near-bottom currents in the deep Peru Basin, DISCOL Experimental Area. Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift 45: 31-42.
48 Klein, H. (1996): Near-bottom currents and bottom boundary layer variability over manganese nodule fields in the Peru Basin, SE Pacific. Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift 48, 147–160.
49 König, I., Drodt, M., Suess, E., Trautwein, A.X. (1997): Iron reduction through the tan-green color transition in deepsea sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 61, 1679–1683.
50 König, I., Haeckel, M., Drodt, M., Suess, E., Trautwein, A.X. (1999): Reactive Fe(II) layers in deep-sea sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 63 (10), 1517–1526.
51 König, I., Haeckel, M., Lougear, A., Suess, E., Trautwein, A.X. (2001): A geochemical model of the Peru Basin deep-sea floor and the response of the system to technical impacts. Deep-Sea Research II, 3737–3756.
52 Koschinsky, A, G. Schriever, Martinez Arbizu, P. (2013): Revisiting the DISCOL area in the Peru Basin 25 years after the disturbance experiment - a German/European initiative to prepare an environmentally sustainable manganese nodule mining. Abstract of Presentation at Recent Developments in Atlantic Seabed Minerals Exploration and Other Topics. UMI 2013 ∙ Rio de Janeiro and Porto de Galinhas, Brazil. 
53 Koschinsky, A. (2001): Heavy metal distributions in Peru Basin surface sediments in relation to historic, present and disturbed redox environments. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3757 – 3778
54 Koschinsky, A., B. Gaye-Haake, C. Arndt, G. Maue, A. Spitzy, A. Winkler and P. Halbach (2001):  Experiments on the influence of sediment disturbances on the biogeochemistry of the deep-sea environment. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3629 - 3652
55 Koschinsky, A., Borowski, C. and Halbach P. (2003): Reactions of the heavy metal cycle to industrial activities in the deep-sea: an ecological assessment. International Review of Hydrobiology 88, 102-127.
56 Koschinsky, A., Gerber, H., Szemeitat, A. (1997): Experiments on the influence of the technical activities in the deep-sea on heavy metal cycles. Proceedings of the Seventh. International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, USA, Vol. I, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, pp. 445–450.
57 Koschinsky, A., U. Fritsche and A. Winkler (2001): Sequential leaching of Peru Basin surface sediment for the assessment of aged and fresh heavy metal associations and mobility. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3853 – 3700.
58 Koschinsky, A., Winkler, A. and Fritsche, U. (2003): Importance of different types of marine particles for the scavenging of heavy metals in the deep-sea. Applied Geochemistry 18: 693-710.
59 Liu, F., Oebius, H.U., Grupe, B., Becker, H.J. (1997): Basic research on characteristics of deep-sea sediment clouds produced by marine mining. International Symposion on Environmental Research for Deep-Sea Mining, 20–21 November, Tokyo, Japan.
60 Lougear, A., I. König, A. X. Trautwein and E. Suess (2001): Mössbauer investigations to characterize Fe lattice sites in clay minerals and Peru Basin deep-sea sediments. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3701 - 3712
61 Marchig, V., U. von Stackelberg, H. Hufnagel and G. Durn (2001): Compositional changes of surface sediments and variability of manganese nodules in Peru Basin. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3609 – 3628
62 Maybury, C. (1996): Crevice Foraminifera from abyssal South East Pacific manganese nodules In: A. Moguilevsky and R. Whatley (eds.): Microfossils and Oceanic Environments. University of Wales, Aberystwyth. 1: 281 - 293.
63 Maybury, C. A. and I. Ap Gwynn (1993): Wet processing of recent calcareous foraminifera: methods for preventing dissolution. J. Micropalaeontol. 12(1): 67-69.
64 Maybury, C. and K. Evans (1994): Pennsylvanian phylloid algae interpreted as shallow water xenophyophores. Lethaia 27: 29-33.
65 Oebius, H.U. (1998): Deep-sea mining and its environmental consequences. Technische Universit.at Berlin, VWS, Eigenverlag, Germany.
66 Oebius, H.U., Becker, H.J., Rolinski, S., Jankowski, J.A. (2001): Parametrization and evaluation of marine environmental impacts produced by deep-sea manganese nodule mining. Deep-Sea Research II 48, 3453–3467.
67 Oebius, H.U., Grupe, B., Gerber, H.W., Yang, N. (1996): Mining in the marine environment. International Seminar on Deep Sea-Bed-Mining Technology, 18–20.October, Beijing, PR China
68 Oebius, H.U., Schwanecke, H. (1994): Entwicklung eines umweltschonenden Manganknollenabbau- und -aufnahmeverfahrens. Bundesministerium f .ur Forschung undTechnologie, 515-3892/MTK 0583A3, Bonn, Germany; Technische Universit.at Berlin, VWS-Bericht No. 1228/93, Eigenverlag VWS, Berlin, Germany.
69 Riech, V., Marchig, V., Weber, M.E., Wiedicke, M., Cepek, P., 2000. A 6-Ma sedimentary record in the Peru Basin: geochemical indicators for a significant redox shift at the end of the Pliocene. International Journal of Earth Sciences, submitted.
70 Rolinski, S., J. Segschneider and J. Sündermann (2001): Long-term propagation of tailings from deep-sea mining under variable conditions by means of numerical simulations. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3469 - 3486
71 Schriever, G. (1990): Cruise-Report DISCOL 2, SONNE 64. Ber. Zentrum für Meeres- u. Klimaforsch. Univ. Hamburg 6: 51 pp.
72 Schriever, G. (1995). DISCOL - Disturbance and recolonization experiment of a manganese nodule area of the southeastern Pacific.  Proceedings of the First (1995) ISOPE - Ocean Mining Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 21-22, 1995. 163-166.
73 Schriever, G. (2000): Evaluation of Results Relevant to Environmental Considerations of Polymetallic Nodule Mining Based on the German ATESEPP Project. OTC Paper Number 12041, Procedings May 2000.
74 Schriever, G. (2009): Environmental Research related to future Deep-Sea Mining - Are Concerns justified and what should be done? OTC paper 19935, Proceedings May 2009. 
75 Schriever, G. and H. Thiel (1992): Cruise Report DISCOL 3, SONNE cruise 77. Ber. Zentrum Meeres- u. Klimaforsch. Univ. Hamburg E 2: 59.
76 Schriever, G. and H. Thiel (1994): Marine Mining and Environmental Protection In: S. Kumar, V. V. Agadi, V. Keshava Das and B. N. Desai (eds.): Ocean Technology: Perspectives. Publication & Information Directorate CSRI: 722 - 731.
77 Schriever, G. and Thiel, H. (2013): Tailings and their Disposal in Deep-Sea Mining. Proceedings of the Tenth (2013) ISOPE Ocean Mining and Gas Hydrates Symposium, Szczecin, Poland, September 22-26, 2013, 5 – 17.
78 Schriever, G., A. Ahnert, H. Bluhm, C. Borowski and H. Thiel (1997): Results of the large scale deep-sea environmental impact study DISCOL during eight years of investigation.  Proceedings of the Seventh (1997) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 25-30, 1997. 438-444.
79 Schriever, G., C. Bussau and H. Thiel (1991): DISCOL - precautionary environmental impact studies for future manganese nodule mining and first results on meiofauna abundance. Proc. Adv. Mar. Tech. Conf. 4: 47-57.
80 Schriever, G., H. Bluhm, A. Boetius, C. Borowski, C. Bussau and H. Thiel (1992): DISCOL - precautionary large scale environmental impact studies for future polymetallic nodule mining from the deep sea.  Proceedings of the XV. Congreso Mundial de Mineria, Madrid, Spain 1992, 25/27 Mayo 1992. 1311-1319.
81 Schriever, G., Koschinsky, A., Bluhm, H. (1996): Cruise report ATESEPP, Auswirkungen technischer Eingriffe in das Ökosystem der Tiefsee im Süd-Ost-Pazifik vor Peru, Impacts of potential technical interventions on the deep-sea ecosystem of the southeast Pacific off Peru, SONNE Cruise 106. Berichte aus dem Zentrum für Meeres-und Klimaforschung der Universität Hamburg Reihe E 11, pp 1–91.
82 Stummeyer, J. and V. Marchig (2001): Mobility of metals over the redox boundary in Peru Basin sediments. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3549 - 3568
83 Suckow, A., U. Treppke, M. H. Wiedicke and M. E. Weber (2001): Bioturbation coefficients of deep-sea sediments from the Peru Basin determined by Gamma Spectrometry of 210Pbexc. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3569 - 3592
84 Thiel, H. & G. Schriever (1990): Environmental protection of the deep sea and the DISCOL project. AMBIO 19: 245-250.
85 Thiel, H. (1991): Environmental impact resulting from deep-sea mining and risk assessment. In. R. Wolfrum (ed.): Law of the Sea at the Crossroads. The continuing Search for a Universally Accepted Regime. Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Symposium of the Kiel Institute of International Law, July 10th to 14th, 1990. Veröff. Inst. Intern. Recht an der Univ. Kiel 113: 87-96.
86 Thiel, H. (1991): From Meseda to DISCOL: a new approach to deep-sea mining risk assessments. Mar. Mining 10: 369-386.
87 Thiel, H. (1991): Research perspectives on protecting the marine environment during deep-sea mining. Proceedings of an Interdisplinary Symposium of the Kiel Institute of International Law, July 10th to 14th, Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel 113:455-77.
88 Thiel, H. (1991): The requirement for additional research in the assessment of environmental disturbances associated with deep seabed mining In: J. N. T. Mauchline (eds.): Marine Biology, its Accomplishment and Future Prospect. , Hokusen-Sha: 133-144.
89 Thiel, H. (1992): Deep-sea environmental disturbance and recovery potential. Intern. Rev. ges. Hydrobiologie 77(2): 331-339.
90 Thiel, H. (1992): Deep-Sea Mining - a Challenge for Marine Scientists.  Proceedings of the XV. Congreso Mundial de Mineria, Madrid, Spain 1992, 25/29 Mayo 1992. 1321-1330.
91 Thiel, H. (1992): Resourcen der Tiefsee: "Erbschaft" und Verantwortung der Menschheit. Gaia 1(5): 261-271.
92 Thiel, H. (1992): The DISCOL project. Ocean Challenge 3 (1), 40Ð64.
93 Thiel, H. (1993): Deep-ocean mining needs careful study. Forum 9(1): 50-52.
94 Thiel, H. (1993): Tiefseeökologie und Tiefseebergbau. Biologie in unserer Zeit 23(5): 330-334.
95 Thiel, H. (1993): Umweltschutz in der Tiefsee In: C. Östergaard (eds.): Symposium Maritime Umwelttechnik - Mariner Umweltschutz, Tagungsband, 19. April 1993, Berlin. Deutsches Komitee für Meeresforschung und Meerestechnik e.V., 22305 Hamburg: 1-12.
96 Thiel, H. (2001): Use and protection of the deep sea – an introduction. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3427-3432
97 Thiel, H. (2002): Research for the protection of the deep sea. pp. 11 - 18 in L. Beranzoli, P. Favali and G. Smriglio (eds). Science and technology synergy for research in marine environment. Challenges for the XXI century. - Elsevier, Amsterdam: Developments in Marine Technology 12.
98 Thiel, H. and E. J. Foell (1993): Environmental risk assessment for manganese nodule mining and application of the precautionary principle In: A. Couper, E. Gold and P. S. Vanchiswar (eds.): The Marine Environment and Sustainable Development. Law, Policy, and Science. : 226 - 233.
99 Thiel, H. and Forschungsverbund Tiefsee (2001): Evaluation of the environmental consequences of polymetallic nodule mining based on the results of the TUSCH-Forschungsverbund. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3433-3452.
100 Thiel, H. and Forschungsverbund Tiefseeumweltschutz (1995): The German environmental impact research for manganese nodule mining in the SE Pacific Ocean.  Proceedings of the First (1995) ISOPE - Ocean Mining Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 21- 22, 1995. 39-45.
101 Thiel, H. and G. Schriever (1989): Cruise-Report DISCOL 1, SONNE - Cruise 61, with contributions by C. Borowski, C. Bussau, D. Hansen, J. Melles, J. Post, K. Steinkamp and K. Watson. Ber. Zentrum Meeres- u. Klimaforsch. Univ. Hamburg 3: 91 pp.
102 Thiel, H. and G. Schriever (1989): The enigmatic DISCOL species: A deep sea pedipalp? Senckenbergiana maritima 20(3/4): 171-175.
103 Thiel, H. and G. Schriever (1990): Deep-Sea Mining, Environmental Impact and the DISCOL Project. Ambio 19(5): 245-250.
104 Thiel, H. and G. Schriever (1993): Environmental consequences of deep-sea mining. International Challenges 13(1): 54-70.
105 Thiel, H. and G. Schriever (1994): Environmental consequences of using the deep sea - exemplified by mining of polymetalic nodules. Nord-Süd aktuell 8(3): 404-408.
106 Thiel, H., Angel, M. V., Foell, E. J., Rice, A. L., Schriever, G. (1998): Environmental risks from large-scale ecological research in the deep sea: a desk study. Contract No. MAS2-CT94-0086, Commission of the European Communities, Directorate General for Science, Research and Development, Brussels, 210pp.
107 Thiel, H., E. J. Foell and G. Schriever (1991): Potential Environmental Effects of Deep Seabed Mining. Ber. Zentrum Meeres- u. Klimaforsch. Univ. Hamburg 26: 243 pp.
108 Thiel, H., E. J. Foell and G. Schriever (1993): Economics and the environment: cooperative aspects of future deep-sea mining activities.  Proceedings of the 25th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston Texas, Houston, Texas, May 3-6, 1993. OTC Paper 7102, 203-212.
109 Thiel, H., E. J. Foell and G. Schriever (2008): Conceptual proposals for environmental investigations of deep-seabed mining. Underwater Mining Institute, Kiel 2006. OneMine.org
110 Thiel, H., E.J. Foell and G. Schriever (2006): Conceptual Proposals for Environmental Investigations of Deep-seabed Mining. Presentation at Underwater Mining Institute at Kiel, Germany. International marine mineral society, 2006, Kiel.
111 Thiel, H., G. Schriever, A. Ahnert, H. Bluhm, C. Borowski and K. Vopel (2001): The  large-scale environmental impact experiment DISCOL - reflection and foresight. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3869-3882.
112 Thiel, H., G. Schriever, C. Bussau and C. Borowski (1993): Manganese nodule crevice fauna. Deep-Sea Res.I 40(2): 419-423.
113 Thiel, H., G. Schriever, H. Bluhm, C. Bussau and C. Borowski (1994): Abschlußbericht für die Bewilligung 03F 0010 F im BMFT-Projekt "Wiederbesiedlung nach der mechanischen Beeinflussung eines Manganknollenfeldes in der Tiefsee des Süd-Pazifiks". Ber. Zentrum Meeres- u. Klimaforsch. Univ. Hamburg E 2(Suppl. 1): 59 p.
114 Thiel, H., H. Bluhm, C. Borowski, C. Bussau, A. J. Gooday, C. Maybury and G. Schriever (1992): The impact of mining on deep sea organisms. The DISCOL-Project. Ocean Challenge 3(1): 40-46.
115 Thiel,H., G. Schriever und E. J. Foell (2005): Polymetallic nodule mining, waste disposal and species extinction at the abyssal seafloor. - Marine Georesources and Geotechnology 23, 209-220.
116 Tilot, V. (1992): La structure des assemblages mègabenthiques d'une province à nodules polymètalliques de l'ocean Pacifique tropical. Ph.D. dissertacion, Universitè de Bretagne Occidentale.
117 TUSCH Research Group 199 (1991): Research perspectives on protecting the marine environment during deep-sea mining. In R. Wolfram (ed.), Law of the Sea at the Crossroads. The Continuing Search for a Universally Accepted Regime. Proc. Interdisciplinary Symp. of the Kiel Inst. of Int. Law, July 10th to 14th, 1990, Veröffentl. Inst. Inter. Seerecht, Univ. Kiel 113:453-486
118 Vopel, K. and H. Thiel (2001): Abyssal nematode assemblages of physically disturbed and adjacent sites of the eastern equatorial Pacific. Deep-Sea Res. II, 48, 3795-3808
119 Weber, M.E., Pisias, N.G. (1999): Spatial and temporal distribution of biogenic carbonate and opal in deep-sea sediments from the eastern equatorial Pacific: implications to ocean history since 1.3 Ma. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 174, 59–373.
120 Weber, M.E., von Stackelberg, U., Marchig, V., Wiedicke, M., Grupe, B. (2000): Variability of surface sediment in the Peru Basin: dependence on water depth, productivity, bottom water flow, and seafloor topography. Marine Geology 163, 169–184.
121 Weber, M.E., Wiedicke, M., Riech, V., Erlenkeuser, H. (1995): Carbonate preservation history in the Peru Basin: paleoceanographic implications. Paleoceanography 10 (4), 775–800.
122 Weikert, H., Beckmann, W., Schnack, D. (1993): Zoonek - Untersuchungen der natürlichen Struktur des Zooplanktons
und Nektons im Bereich eines Manganknollenfeldes in der Tiefsee des Südpazifiks. Berichte aus dem Zentrum für
Meeres- und Klimaforschung der Universität Hamburg, Vol. 5, 27pp.
123 Wiedicke, M., Weber, M. (1996): Small-scale variability of sea floor features in the northern Peru Basin: results from acoustic survey methods. Marine Geophysical Researches 18, 507–526.
124 Zielke, W., Jankowski, J., Sündermann, J., Segschneider, J. (1995): Numerical modeling of sediment transport caused by deep sea mining. Proceedings of the First ISOPE Ocean Mining Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, ISOPE, pp. 157–161.



If you have any questions regarding the publications from this list or any other inquiries about the project, please feel free to contact us.