The very first step during the reconstruction of the old data sets involved the sorting and identification of all available data, which existed in very different forms (digital or analogue) and conditions. This included for example old bathymetric charts, print-outs of old ship navigation data as well as plots of sampling device operations (OFOS, Side-Scan Sonar etc.), hand-written analyses and various data files that needed to be assessed and categorized, to merge all information and to create an individual data base for each cruise.
In a next step the available data were digitalized, including over 30,000 slides taken in the course of the 42 OFOS operations conducted during the four research cruises and after being processed were then uploaded to the DIAS database to enable detailed faunal studies of the Peru Basin. Furthermore, old navigation tracks of both the ship and different sampling gear were digitalized and reconstructed using broadsheet scanners and various software (e.g. OFOP), respectively. In addition, the old station lists and further information, such as side-scan sonar (SSS) tracks and bathymetric information were digitalized to incorporate all availabke information into the individual data bases.
Once the data were available in a digital form, the information was visualized to gain more detailed insight into the sampling distribution and density during the former cruises to the DISCOL area to have a basis for the station planning for the JPI Oceans Pilot Action "Ecological Aspects of Deep-Sea Mining".